Here you can find useful information about healthcare projects in Germany and other countries in EU offered in different languages.
To prepare yourself to go to doctor you find a useful questionnaire in 20 languages here:
Here you can find useful information about HIV in Arabic and English.
Here you can find basic information about sexual transmitted diseases in Russian, Turkish, English, French, Romanian and Bulgarian, please scroll down the page, chose your language and press on the PDF symbol:
Here you find useful information about Hepatitis B in Arabic, English, Greek, Italian, Croatia, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese.
Here you find useful information about Hepatitis C in Arabic, English, Greek, Italian, Croatia, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese.
Here you find useful information about Diabetes in Arabic , in English, in French, Spanish, Russian, Serbo-Croatic, Turkish, Italian and Polish.
When you can not open the PDF with the links above please visit the homage: and choise your language
On the above mentioned homepage you also find information about vaccinations in 16 languages. You can also follow our link: Albania, Arabic, Bulgarian, German, English, French, Greek, Italian, Kurdish, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatic, Spanish and Turkish.
The Ethnomedizinisches Zentrum also provides useful information about Depression. You can also follow this link: Arabic, German, Russian and Turkish.
Here you find information about the regular check up for children, even they are not offered for refugees, they may provide useful information about healthy development of children:
Or follow this link: Albanian U3-5, U6, U7, U7a, U8/9.
Arabic U3-5, U6, U7, U7a, U8/9.
English U3-5, U6, U7, U7a, U8/9.
Croatia U3-5, U6, U7, U7a, U8/9.
Here you can find useful information about Tuberculosis in German (DE), English (EN), Turkish (TR), Arabic (AR), French (FR) and Russian (RU):
Here you can basics about the treatment of different diseases in Germany in different languages.
Here you get basic information about Adenoviruses in English, Russian, French, Arabic, Turkish and German, please scroll down and chose your language on the following homepage:
Here you also find information about Ebola Virus Disease in English, Russian, French, Arabic, Turkish and German, please scroll down and chose your language on the following homepage:
And about Legionella in English, Russian, French, Arabic, Turkish and German, please scroll down and chose your language on the following homepage:
When you know the Name of the Virus you are looking for you can find more information about different types of virus in English, Russian, French, Arabic, Turkish and German, please scroll down and chose your language on the following homepage:
You first have to click on the name of the virus on the right side and then chose your language.
Here you find useful information for diseases which effect the heart and cause emergency in Arabic, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.
Here you find useful information about heart failure in Arabic, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.
Here you find useful information about kidney diseases:
Here you find information about Asthma in Arabic, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.
Here you find information about acute back pain in Arabic, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.
If you are suffering from chronic back pain you may find here useful information in Arabic, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Turish.